Jacqueline Gage | February 29, 2020
Are you thinking about moving to Sacramento? What is the cost of living in Sacramento California? What is the cost of living in California in general?
These are some of the components that you’re going to want to consider when making a decision on moving to Sacramento, so let’s get down to it. Not only is Sacramento’s cost of living lower than most metropolitan cities in California, but its job market is making it a destination spot for many to consider to move. The Sacramento region ranked sixth in the nation when taking into account salaries, cost of living and job growth. As a matter of fact, Sacramento is the only region that cracked the top 10, people.
So what’s the average cost to rent something in Sacramento? So average one bedroom’s going to cost you around $1,400 whereas a two bedrooms going to be $1,800. And when we’re talking three bedroom, that’s going to be around 21, give or take where you are in Sacramento. So let’s talk about the average median price in Sacramento. That is going to be around $346,000 depending on where you’re at. But obviously we do have homes that are up to a million and more, but they’re going to be pretty fancy.
So let’s talk about the bare necessities, the things that you need for your day to day life, such as utilities. Those are going to run you around $161 a month. Then also internet, which we must have, about $61 a month. Gas currently right now is around $3.50 cents a gallon, which is probably going to put you about $181 a month. And food on average with a couple of meals out for one person is going to be about $350 a month.
So there’s no getting around it, let’s talk about what we’d like to call here as the sun tax. We all know California’s a pricey state, so depending on what you make, it can vary from 1% to those top earners of 13.3%. All right guys, let’s talk about the job market here in Sacramento. The average salary is around 70 grand and the most popular job industries, because we are the capital, is going to be state jobs followed by a lot of medical jobs. Some of the most popular jobs here are going to be software engineer, project manager, operations manager. And some of the popular industries are going to be the state because we are a capital. So there’s tons of state jobs and a lot of medical jobs. Think Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, Dignity Health and as well as Intel.
So I hope you found this video informative on the cost of living in Sacramento. I like to tell people it really is one of the most affordable places in California that is still desirable. There’s actually things going on that you’d want to do and we’re the top growing city in California, so something to consider when moving here. Please contact me for any questions regarding Sacramento. Love to be your realtor or help you with any needs and also subscribe. This is Jacqueline Gage with another episode of Sac Engaged. If you have any questions, please reach out to me and stay tuned for another episode.